Experience South Charlotte Baptist Church!
When you visit, here's what you can expect!

Where do i park?

Usually, the first service that an individual attends at South Charlotte Baptist Church is the Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 AM which is held in the Scott Auditorium, the very first building you will see when you enter our parking lot off of Carolina Place Parkway. Simply park in any available space as soon as you enter the parking lot.

What is a service at SCBC like?

Our services are generally an hour to an hour and a half in length. We enjoy singing the old-time Gospel songs and hymns while including, at times, newer songs and choruses that focus our attention on Jesus Christ and prepare our hearts for the preaching of God’s Word. You will find that the preaching of God’s Word is the focus of our services and while we use the King James version of the Bible in all of our preaching and teaching we like to say that we are “King James only but not King James ugly!”

What about my kids?

It is our desire to give truth to the next generation! Our Children's Bible Hour meets every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in the Kirk Building. During the morning service at 11:00 AM, school age children enjoy the "adult" service along with everyone else. (We have nursery for children 3 years of age and younger.) On Sunday evenings, during the school year, we have Master Clubs (for elementary age children) and Teen Extreme (for - you guessed it - teenagers) at 5:30 PM.

What do I wear?

There is not a prescribed "dress code" for our services. Yes, you will find that many of the ladies wear a skirt and blouse or a dress and that the men "dress up" a little more than casual. However, our over-riding desire is to honor the Biblical principle of modesty - not drawing too much attention to ourselves and not drawing the wrong kid of attention to ourselves.

How do I get connected?

We're glad you asked! As a first-time guest, we trust that you will be greeted very warmly by all of our church family. At some point, you will be given a Connection Card to fill out. Fill this Connection Card out with as much information as you are comfortable giving. We will use it - not to bother you - but to get to know you a little better! Beyond that, the best way to get connected, is to visit one of our Connection Groups which meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM.

Starting Point Connection Group

Twice a year, we have a 5-week Starting Point Connection Group, which meets on Sunday mornings at 9:45. This Connection Group is specifically designed for those who are new to South Charlotte Baptist Church and who, in a very informal setting, would like to get to know more about South Charlotte Baptist Church. Please text the church office at (704) 542-5536 to find out when the next Starting Point Connection group will begin.